Safe & Together Institute

Family Court

Navigating and Understanding Domestic Violence Cases
More than 50-80% of custody cases (citation) include a domestic violence accusation. Separation and the dissolution of a relationship can be one of the most violent times for a family. In some of these cases, children can be used as a weapon of post-separation coercive control or as the target.

Co-parenting and cooperation are the ideal end result, but a perpetrator’s violence, manipulation, and coercive control make safety and stability impossible. Family courts must be able to understand the issues surrounding domestic violence, interrogate the evidence, understand the perpetrator’s patterns, and more to make informed decisions for the well-being and safety of the child and survivor. 

The Safe & Together Model offers a neutral and objective framework when looking at custody and access issues regarding children and divorce, how to recognize the harm to children, and other domestic violence issues. By becoming domestic violence informed and understanding the connection between custody and domestic violence, you will learn a common language to be used in your agency and other partners to better determine the best way forward.

Foundational Courses

Family Court Courses