Regional Webinars

The Safe & Together Model Perpetrator Pattern Mapping Tool: 
An Introduction to the Online Version

3 region-specific webinars!
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For years, practitioners have been depending on the Safe & Together Institute Perpetrator Pattern Mapping Tool to change practice and change lives of adult and child domestic violence survivors. In the past, access to the tool required attendance in our CORE training. No longer. After a two-year development process, the Safe & Together Institute is proud to announce the launch of a web-based version of the tool that is immediately accessible online to any practitioner. Agencies can also gain bulk access for their staff. Attend this webinar with David Mandel, the founder of the Safe & Together Institute as he walks through the tool, provides an overview of its features, and describes how it can be used to create better outcomes for families impacted by domestic violence perpetrator behavior. 

Live Regional Broadcasts

 Participants who attend this event live will get free one month demo access to the tool.

Europe & UK:
3 October 2023 
2:00-3:00 PM
London Time

North America:
September 28, 2023
1:00-2:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time

Asia Pacific:
25 October 2023
10:00-11:00 AM
Brisbane Time