Safe & Together Institute

Women's Sector

The Safe & Together Model holds the same values as those working with survivors of domestic violence. Women survivors should have agency and be kept safe and together with their children.

To ensure that you are equipped to fight for the well-being of those you work with, both the survivors and your staff, the Safe & Together Institute provides tools and language necessary to shift the conversation away from the ineffective “failure to protect” paradigm, which focuses blame on the survivor and not the perpetrator.

By becoming more domestic violence-informed through the Safe & Together Model, you will have a common language as you work with your partners in the domestic violence field, improving collaboration and understanding of what is best for the child and mother. More children and mothers will be kept safe and together and you will be on the frontlines of changing the system for the better.
Learn about how Safe & Together
  Shifts systems 
  Assists child welfare in assessing child safety & wellbeing when domestic violence is a factor
  Works with mental health and addiction specialists
  Works with multi-agency and high risk teams

Foundational Courses

Women's Sector Courses